答: Consolidator拼箱公司在ISF中的全称是:Consolidator (Stuffer) name/address ,即可以为拼箱方的信息,也可以是装箱方的信息。 在整箱FCL时,我们只要填写装箱方的名称和地址即可,比如说在工厂装箱,那么就填写工厂的名称和地址。以下为ISF 10中的原文信息
and address of the party who stuffed the container or arranged for the
stuffing of the container. For break bulk shipments, the name and
address of the party who made the goods “ship ready” or the party who
arranged for the goods to be made “ship ready” must be provided.If no
consolidator is used, e.g., “factory load” shipments, provide the
name/address of the manufacturer (supplier).
转载请在文章开始处标明来源www.ilovecargo.com/article/isf/how-to-file consolidator-for-fcl-container.html